

PARAMITA ヒーリング スクール 代表/講師

(English follows)

海外勤務、留学、アーティスト活動・指導など幅広い経験を持つヒーラー。個人セッション他にヒーラー養成講座を開催。ワシントンDCの森林保全研究機関に勤務したのち、インドの現地NGOで、農村部での有機農業トレーニング、スラム・売春街の子供達へ英語の指導を行う。北インド古典舞踊カタックダンスや古典音楽を学び、インドと日本で舞台に立ちながら子供と大人に指導してきた。2008年にリリースした「Reflections on Sangeet」は、北米を中心に90本以上のコマーシャルに起用されている。


スウェーデン Uppsala大学(Sweden) 留学
英国 Bradford大学大学院卒 国際紛争解決学(修士号)
在コルカタ ラーマクリシュナ ミッション(Ramakrishna Mission)ベンガル語課程修了

コラム  私の「お話し」


Megumi, originally from Japan, is a clairvoyant healer and a teacher of psychic reading and energetic healing. She’s been offering private aura-reading and healing sessions, healer training courses and meditation classes in Tokyo. She’s also globally spreading AI and health big data business.

Megumi is also a dancer and a teacher of Indian classical dance, Kathak. Megumi got dance training from Srabani Banerjee in Kolkata. She has been doing solo and group performances in India and Japan. She is learning tabla under Susanta Banerjee and Khayal under Jainul Abedin.

Megumi has also dedicated herself for social work. After working in NGO in Washington DC., she moved to India and worked for research and training of organic farming in rural area of Bengal as well as English training of children in red light area of Kolkata.

She has completed Bengali language course at Ramakrshna Mission, Kolkata. She is fluent in Japanese, English and Bengali. She holds BA in Social Science (Sophia University, Tokyo) and MA in Peace Studies (Bradford University, UK). She joind Peace Studies course in Uppsala University in Sweden.

In 2019, Megumi released a guided meditation music using Russian taiga’s natural sound. In the same year, she published her first book “Decision Making with a Strong Will 50M: Mother Mary and Dolphin Touch Healing”.
