2.お申し込みになる前に Before applying for sessions

Before applying for private sessions, meditation class, healing courses and workshops…..







お客様のご都合で個人セッションのお申し込み・ご予約をキャンセルする場合、お申し込みお問い合わせフォームより、事前のご連絡をお願いいたします。ただしキャンセル料が生じますのでご注意くださいませ。返金の場合には、振り込み手数料を差し引かせていただきます。講座とワークショップのキャンセル システムは異なります(お問い合わせをされた際にご案内いたします)。




キャンセル料金 日にち変更 セッション譲渡権利
7日前まで 0% 無料
6~3日前まで 30%に相当する金額 10%
2~前日まで 50%に相当する金額 20%
当日 100%に相当する金額




PARAMITAの個人セッションをお申し込みくださる多くのクライアント様は透視(霊視、スピリチュアル リーディングなど様々な呼び方をされています)のサービスを求めていらっしゃいます。透視といいましても、皆さんのプライベートな部分を丸裸にするようなものではなく、クライアントの内なる声やハイヤーセルフが肉体レベルの自分自身に伝えたいことのみを、ヒーラーが代弁するものですので、ご安心ください。普段肉眼で視ている映像とは違う映像でヒーラーは情報をキャッチします。直感であったり、声であったり、その形態は様々です。わかりにくい説明や表現もあるかと思いますので、ご質問があるときには、いつでもヒーラーに説明を求めてください。また、エネルギーの世界のことをすべて言葉でお伝えすることには限界もありますことをご了承ください。エネルギーの世界を知るためには、物理的な世界を理解する時に使う術とはまた別のアプローチが必要になります。本来は、ご自分がエネルギーの世界を体感したり、高次のメッセージのを直接受け取る体験をすることがベストです。なぜならば、あなたのことを一番良く理解しているのはヒーラーではなくあなたのハイヤーセルフだからです。



















How do I apply for the private sessions?

Please contact PARAMITA first from the following inquiry form (contact のページのリンクをつけてください).We set the date and timing via e-mail. Please pay the session fee within 7 days after setting the session date to the bank account whose information will be given by e-mail. For those who live outside of Japan, you can pay by credit card. Paying instruction will be given also by e-mail. Face-to-face sessions are offered in a salon located in Kagurazaka,Tokyo. In case you take a distant skype session, make sure that you are alone in a quiet room where you can have complete privacy with a chair to sit down during the session.

Cancellation policy

Here is the table of fee charged for cancellation and changing the date. You can render the session to someone else until 1 day before the session as long as we can reach the person and he/she understands the nature of the session and agrees with our policy.
Cancellation fee Date change fee Render the session to the others
7 days before the session 0% Free
6 to 3 days before the session 30% of the session fee Additional 10% of the session fee
2 to 1 day before the sssion 50%of the session fee Additional 20% of the session fee
The scheduled date 100%of the session fee

Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

By seeking PARAMITA for reading and energy healing service, class, workshop, and/or any other service or event listed on this web site you are in acceptance of this agreement and you know this document becomes a legally binding contract.

PARAMITA does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness(es). PARAMITA, is NOT a licensed physician or psychologist, and ALWAYS recommends that her clients seek appropriate medical and/or professional help at all times.

In purchasing any service listed on this web site, purchaser (client) agrees that the service, whether purchased for self or received as a gift, is subject to client’s own interpretation.

All information obtained through any service offered on this web site (whether through reading and energy healing service, class, workshop, and/or any other service or event listed on this web site) is not intended to constitute professional legal, medical, or financial advice. PARAMITA’s intuitive recommendations are not intended to prevent, diagnose, mitigate, or cure any illness or disease, or any emotional and or mental problems or personal problems. There are no promises, warranties, or assurances of the success or the outcome of any of PARAMITA’s recommendations or spiritual sessions. Actions taken by any client based on any part of the service(s) received are the full and complete responsibility of aforementioned client.

No service offered through this web site shall be constituted as “Fortune Telling” and each client retains the spiritual freedom of choice by their freedom of will to choose their actions accordingly. Each and every client who engages the services offered through this web site has at all times the freedom to design their own lives, and to change those lives by their free will at any moment in time.

All services are offered only to those persons who are of legal age at the time of the booking of the session. Legal age determined to be 18 years of age. Anyone wishing a session with PARAMITA, who is not of legal age must provide written consent from a parent or legal guardian in order for the session to be scheduled. There shall be no exceptions.

PARAMIA, makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, with respect to accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information or services offered through this web site. PARAMITA, hereby disclaims any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation: physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused in regard to any information and/or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to client during any service offered through this web site, regardless of whether resulting from any other cause whatsoever.

Any and all typographic errors and omissions are regrettable but do not in any way alter the substantive content of this web site.

Rates subject to change without notice.

All services are offered solely upon the discretion of PARAMITA, and she maintains the right to refuse services. All services conducted under false pretense will be deemed null and void.

Recordings of every session on cassette are copyright protected and are the intellectual property of PARAMITA, and any use other than as a personal record of said reading is strictly prohibited.

While a record of such sessions is provided as a courtesy, PARAMITA reserves the right to withhold distribution of such recordings. Recordings are not guaranteed and no copies of sessions are made.
All information pertaining to any session offered through this web site is to be utilized as a personal memory for the client only. Other usage is strictly prohibited without written and signed consent by PARAMIA.

PARAMITA will not disclose any information to third parties. All services are confidential and only in the event that PARAMITA believes that a client may be in danger of hurting themselves or another, will she contact the appropriate authorities.

You are of sound mind, and not under any mind altering drugs. By reading this agreement, you acknowledge you are giving your informed consent and agree to it.
